How to Find Out If You are Entitled to a Refund From Your Energy Supplier


Could your energy supplier owe you money back? How to find out if you are owed money on your energy and get a refund

How to find out if you are entitled to a refund

Claiming a refund from your energy supplier can be a daunting process, but it is important to ensure that you are not paying more than you should be for your energy bills. If you believe that you are owed a refund from your supplier, there are several steps that you can take to claim the money you are owed.

Review your past energy bills

The first step in claiming a refund is to review your energy bills; Take the time to go through your bills from the past year and check whether you have been overcharged or paid more than you should have for how much energy you use. If you do not have paper copies of your bill, you should also be able to find this on your energy account.

Look for any discrepancies in your usage, meter readings, or tariff rates, as these could indicate that you have been overcharged or there are issues with how your regular meter readings were taken. If you have any doubts or questions, contact your energy supplier for clarification.

Find out how much credit is on your account

Once you have identified potential overcharges on your energy account, you can then ask your supplier to give you a refund of the outstanding credit on your account. The process to ask for a refund may vary depending on your supplier, but there are a few steps that you can take to ensure that your request is processed efficiently.

We encourage you to leave money on your account to pay your energy bill in the future; if you keep a credit balance, you know that you will always have a good rapport with the energy provider when you need to contact them in the future.

Firstly, gather all relevant information about the overcharges. This could include your energy bills, meter readings, and any other documentation that you have received from your supplier. Having all of this information on hand will make it easier for you to explain the situation to your supplier and get your money back.

Next, contact your energy supplier by phone, email, or through their customer portal. Explain the situation to the customer service representative and provide them with any relevant information that you have gathered. Be clear and concise when explaining the overcharges, and make it clear that you are requesting a refund.

Your energy supplier should respond to your refund request within a reasonable timeframe. They may ask you to provide additional information or documentation to support your claim. If this is the case, make sure that you provide the requested information promptly so that your claim can be processed as quickly as possible.

If your energy supplier refuses to issue a refund or fails to respond to your request, you may need to escalate the issue. In the UK, you can file a complaint with energy regulator Ofgem, or seek the assistance of an independent ombudsman service. In the US, you can file a complaint with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) or your state regulator.

It is worth noting that in some cases, your energy supplier may automatically refund if they have identified an overcharge on your account themselves. For example, if they have made a mistake in calculating your tariff rates or have overcharged customers in a particular region, they may issue refunds without the need for customers to request them. Your electricity supplier will also refund money at the end of their business year.

Get an energy quote from another supplier

If you feel that you are not saving enough money on your energy bills, it may be worth considering getting a quote from a new energy supplier. There are several reasons why this could be a good idea.

Firstly, switching to a new energy supplier can help you to take control of your energy costs. By comparing prices from different suppliers, you can find a deal that is more affordable and better suited to your energy usage. This can give you greater control over your energy bills and help you to save money in the long run.

Secondly, switching to a new supplier can help you to lower the cost of your energy. Many new suppliers offer competitive tariffs and deals that can help you to save money on your energy bills. By shopping around and comparing prices, you can find a deal that offers you the best value for money.

Thirdly, switching to a new supplier can help you to manage higher energy costs in the winter months. Winter is typically a time when energy costs are higher due to increased demand for heating and hot water. By switching to a supplier with lower tariffs or fixed-rate deals, you can reduce the impact of higher energy costs on your household budget.

Fourthly, if you are experiencing higher bills than you expected, switching to a new supplier may be a good option. This can help you to identify any potential issues with your current supplier, such as overcharging or incorrect billing, and find a better deal that is more aligned with your energy usage.

Finally, if Ofgem, the energy regulator in the UK, has said that you are paying too much for your energy, it may be worth considering switching to a new supplier. Ofgem regulates energy prices in the UK and has the power to force energy companies to reduce their prices if they are found to be overcharging customers.