Moving can be a hassle even without any added, unnecessary stress. A change of tenancy form (COT) is used to inform your suppliers that you’re moving out of your current property. You can also request a quote for your new premises from your supplier should you wish to stay with them.
Below is a step-by-step guide to our COT form; giving you one less thing to worry about and making your moving process smoother.

- Site Address & Postcode
This information is used to identify your property. It should be the address of the CURRENT premises occupied and supplied, not the one you’re moving to.
- Meter Point Reference Number
This is the unique number assigned to your gas connection. It can be found on your bills from your energy supplier. It is usually located on the first page of a bill or on the back of the front page.
No longer have access to any bills? Don’t worry:
Alternative Ways to Access your MPRN Number | Information Required |
Visit Find My Supplier | Your postcode |
Call the Meter Number Helpline on 0870 608 1524 | Your postcode and the first line of your address |
- Meter Serial Number
This is a unique number used to identify your gas meter. The serial number is made up of a combination of numbers and letters. It can be located on the front of your physical gas meters. It’s usually next to a barcode.
It will also be listed as the ‘meter number’ on your energy invoice.
- Change of Tenancy Date
This should be the date your lease officially ends, even if you move out before then.
Or, if you’re selling, it’s the day the contract comes into effect.
- Meter Reading
This is a final meter reading submission.
To ensure your meter reading is correct:
- read the dials from left to right
- if the pointer is between two dials, take the lower number
- ignore
- red dials
- ones marked ‘100 per rev’
- and the largest dial
For more information on this, we do have a complete guide on reading your meter, too.

- Landlord’s Name
This is the name of your landlord.
- Landlord’s address
This is the current address of your landlord.
- Landlord’s phone number
This is a current, active contact for your landlord.

- Ltd Company Name/Sole Trader Name/Partnership Name
This is the name of the person who is moving out of the property, it can be the name of the company. It would act as the ‘recipient’ information for the forwarding address.
- Forwarding Address
This is the address of that the final invoice will be sent to.
- Circle Answer
Niccolo can provide competitive prices for your new premises. If you’re interested in staying with us circle YES to receive a quote.
- Telephone Number
This should be a current and active contact phone number.
- Email Address
This should be a current and active contact email address.
- Additional Documents
When returning this form if you have SOLD the property YOU MUST attach proof of this. A solicitors letter can be requested, or provide us with the Land Registry title.
The Title Number is a number allocated to each and every property that is registered with the Land Registry. The number can be found on the top of each page of the Title Registers and also at the top of the Title Plan.

- Ltd Company Name/Sole Trader Name/Partnership Name
This is the name of the business who will be occupying the premises next. If your property is going to come under the management of the landlord then their information should be inputted here.
- Company Reg Number
This is a unique combination of numbers and, in some cases, letters. This is used to identify the company and verify the fact that it is an entity registered with Companies House.
You only need to provide this information if it is applicable.
- Telephone Number
This should be a current and active contact phone number for the incoming occupiers/landlord.
- Email Address
This should be a current and active contact email address for the incoming occupiers/landlord.
- Additional Documents
If you are the new tenant/leaseholder filling out this form, YOU MUST attach the following pages from your lease when you return your form:
- parties involved,
- particulars page,
- signatures page OR Land Registry with proof of purchase
You should have been given a copy of your lease by your solicitor/property manager when you bought/leased the property.
If you do not have a copy of your lease you may be able to get one from your solicitor or mortgage lender. Usually, the Land Registry will also keep a copy.

- Your Name
The name of the person filling out the form.
- Relation to the Site
What connection do you have to the premises?
- Date
The date that you filled out the form
Sending us the Form
Please send the form, along with the required relevant documents, to:
It would be a good idea to keep a copy of this for your own records, too.
Should I pay utilities if I moved out?
If you have notified your supplier that you’re moving out and thus cancelling your utility, you do not have to pay once you have left the property. An incoming tenant then becomes responsible for the utilities. If there is no new tenant, the utility billing reverts back to the landlord.
Can I turn off utilities before lease is up?
If your lease says you pay utilities, you need to do so up until the end of your lease even if you move out before then. Moving out early does not alter the legal terms you agreed to when you signed your lease. An exception to this would be if you executed an early lease termination.
When should I call utilities when moving?
Some providers will have specific time frames within which to contact them so be sure to check your specific suppliers. Generally you should notify them a few weeks, at least two, in advance of your moving.
Why does my landlord want my gas and electric account numbers?
After the end of your tenancy the landlord may have to write and ask the bills to be transferred to whoever is taking responsibility (if it was not established before you vacated). Having the account numbers may make this easier to do.
They may also want this information to check the utilities have been paid for up until the end of your lease.
What does my energy supplier mean by COT?
COT stands for Change of Tenancy (form). It is the process through which you let your supplier know you are moving out of/into a property and thus need to either end or begin a new contract for your energy supply.
What documents do I need to prove a change of tenancy?
If you are SELLING, you need to provide proof of ownership detailing the date/site the premises was sold (i.e. a solicitors letter) or provide the Land Registry Title number.
If you are an INCOMING TENANT/LEASEHOLDER you must attach the following pages from your lease when you return your COT form: parties involved, particulars page, signatures page OR Land Registry with proof of purchase.
When is the ‘Change of Tenancy date’?
This should be the date your lease officially ends, even if you move out before then. Or, if you’re selling, it’s the day the contract comes into effect.
Do I need landlord permission to change energy supplier?
You are not allowed to change if your landlord pays your utility bills, either directly or through an intermediary. If you want to be able to switch, you must speak with your energy provider directly. Though they are not required to, it is important to keep in mind that many landlords are accommodating and can accept a request to switch your supplier.
As a student, can I switch energy suppliers?
The same rule that applies to other renters also applies to students. You have the right to change providers if you pay for your energy directly. Student life gives many people their first taste of apartment living. It frequently also denotes a time when money may be particularly scarce, thus paying down debt should be a top focus.
How often can i change energy supplier?
After committing to a new energy plan, you are often locked in for 12 to 24 months. There will be a 14-day cooling-off period, though. This implies that you can cancel the agreement without incurring penalties if you decide to change your mind for any reason or discover a better offer. A move, according to the majority of providers, takes 17 days, which includes the two-week cooling-off period and an extra three days for the change to actually occur.
How to switch energy supplier when moving in?
Find your gas supplier when you move in by going to the Find My Supplier website and entering your postcode.
Once you know who provides your gas and electricity, get in touch with them to open an account. You must verify the day you took possession of the property and transmit the metre readings for that day.
You must arrange for a new top-up key or card to be sent out before you move in if your new property has a prepayment metre. In our guide on how to pay your energy bill, we have further information about prepayment metres.
Can I change a joint Change of Tenancy form to a single one?
If you and another person are joint tenants, you could want to modify the tenancy so that it is now solely in the name of that person, perhaps because the other person has moved out. Whether both tenants can come to an agreement will determine how this is done.
Joint tenants have the option to transfer their tenancy into either party’s sole name, provided that both parties are in agreement to do so.
It will not be able to transfer the lease to a lone tenant if one of the tenants has disappeared or is being uncooperative since both tenants must agree to this.