Getting away from the gas
We expect (and urge) more consumers to disconnect their gas supply as they move away from using gas to heat their houses and water and instead ‘electrify’ these operations.
However, because this procedure is still relatively uncommon, there is little common understanding about how to organise it, how much it costs, or who is accountable for carrying it out.
How Do I Remove My Gas Meter?
If you have a gas metre that you no longer need and want it disconnected, it’s critical that you understand the process to ensure a cost-effective and timely service.
What are the benefits of removing a gas metre?
- You’re wanting to update your gas metres
- You’re looking to downgrade your gas metres
- You don’t need gas
- You’re looking to demolish the site
How to Dispose of a Household Gas Meter
If you want to remove a home metre, you should first contact your gas supplier to see if the metre belongs to them.
Your supplier will then:
- disconnect and cap the service
- disconnect the metre from your property
The gas line that runs from the gas main into the property is the responsibility of the Gas Network Operator (GNO). They’ll probably come to your house after your gas has been disconnected to check things out, and they may decide to disconnect the gas line that runs into the house from the gas main in the street.
If you ever required an existing gas pipe in your home moved or removed (for example, if construction work is being done and the current pipe is in the way), you should call your local GNO.
Niccolo Gas can assist you with this service, if you get in contact we will help you to manage the potential faff and stress of the procedure
How to Dispose of a Gas Meter in a Commercial Setting
We understand that removing a business gas metre can be difficult, especially if site work is planned or underway. We may need to do a site survey to determine what is required before removing and/or disconnecting a gas metre.
Niccolo Gas should be contacted if you need your commercial gas metre removed.
We’ll need to know the size of the metre as well as the pressure tier in order to successfully remove your business gas metre. This information will assist us in providing the most accurate quote.
You’ll also have to decide whether you merely want to remove the metre or if you want to remove the metre and the related supply piping from the mains. If you’re reusing the facility and still need gas, you’ll need to evaluate the existing pipeline for its compatibility. It could be necessary to upgrade it.
What does it cost to get a gas metre removed?
This is dependent on the meter’s size and the job’s intricacy. A typical U6 domestic metre removal with the pipes capped off at the ECV, on the other hand, starts at £275 + VAT. A site survey will be necessary if the metre is to be unplugged at the mains, and a quote will be generated.
To remove and seal the piping at the ECV, the smallest commercial metre, the U16 type, costs £280 + VAT. A site survey will be necessary if the metre is to be unplugged at the mains, and a quote will be generated.
What is the time frame for removing a gas metre?
Each metre removal is unique, however, we strive to be as efficient as possible. Depending on the peculiarities of the site, an approximate estimate of 4 to 6 weeks should be used. Once the removal procedure is confirmed, it should take no longer than 5 working days to complete.
Is it necessary to completely remove a gas metre?
You must continue to pay your gas payment if you cease using gas but do not remove your metre. Gas metres are usually owned by an asset firm, and a monthly charge is imposed to compensate for the costs.
The only option to stop paying for the metre and the most cost-effective alternative is to remove your gas metre. Most gas tariffs contain a standing change — a specific sum paid per day. If you believe you are required to pay a metre standing charge, we recommend contacting your gas supplier for further information.